Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Day 3 - Write 31 Days

Today is Day 3 of the “Write 31 Days Challenge”

Yesterday, I bought “Food Can Fix It” by Dr. Oz Mehmet and started reading it right away. I found much to like about it and learn from.

The idea that “food heals your body and energizes your life”, reinforced what I want for a healthier life.

In the first section, Oz describes how prediabetes works and how fat comes to be stored in the body. I have a fatty liver and Oz gave great detail of how  the condition develops.

I plan to read this book this month and make many food fixes – for pain, for my heart, for my brain and untimately for weight loss.

His 21 Day Plan looks doable and I am eager to follow it. As I have been cutting back on snacks, I am starting to feel a bit better. With Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend, I plan to start the Plan next wee.

I’ll leave you with a quote (and good advice)

The closer you can get to eating foods the way they appear in nature, the better off you will be.” (pr. 15


  1. I love this, and your topic for the blogging challenge. I'm turning 42 next week, and feeling very... narrowed down? Constricted? I'm doing a walking challenge to try to get my feet under me in both senses of the phrase.

  2. I saw this same book at Barnes and Noble, and considered purchasing it. I might just do that after your recommendation.
