Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Day 10 - Write 31 Days

Today is Day 10 of the Write 31 Days – the daily writing challenge for which my theme is “31 Days of Healthy Choices”

Yesterday our family celebrated Thanksgiving with a big turkey dinner. The day was full with prep and family, so I did not post.

A benefit of my husband being diabetic is the training we received from the diabetic clinic. We learned about counting carbs, reading labels closely and portion size.

We don’t look at food quite the same way now. We check for sodium, sugar and carbohydrates. It really is a challenge sometimes to find food choices that are low in both sodium and sugar.

I used to serve low salt soup for my hubby when he wasn’t well. But after checking all the labels of different kinds of soup, I now make my own chicken noodle soup.

Reading labels and checking ingredients should be part of everyday shopping. If I can’t read the ingredients, I tend not to buy the item.

Here is a great site to learn how to read labels for better nutrition.

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