Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Challenge

Karissa of "A Fresh Start on a Budget" is hosting an interesting challenge - blogging every day in September, by responding to prompts.

Today's question:  Why did I start blogging?

I answered this question on my main blog "Bunny's Girl", but I wanted to share the why behind my newest blog.

I have always struggled with my weight. Even in my late 20s, when I actually lost weight and felt great about myself, the weight gradually returned.
This summer, I knew I must finally work at getting healthier. I retired from teaching at the end of June and knew it was time. I also knew I needed the accountability of posting what I was doing and how I was doing.

I took a second week off last week and when I checked this morning, I was not surprised to see a bit of a weight gain.
But today, first day of a new school year - a new routine must start for me once again. I was starting to get symptoms back that I experienced before I cut wheat and milk.

So back on track and getting accountable!
I will get back on track and post Wednesdays and Fridays as before.


  1. I need to get back into a fitness routine too! I started a C23K program in the spring, but I'm kind of a slacker and it was so much easier to just go home after work and take a nap!

  2. I have also been trying to get healthier but I started Jan 1 of this year. It has been a struggle but I am down about 15 pounds so far. Good luck with getting back into a healthy routine!

  3. I look forward to following your journey as you get back on track. I love your desire and motivation to work hard to get where you want to be.
